Leaving On a Jet Plane...

...I know when I'll be back again! It's not really like the song since I know exactly when I'll back. Coincidentally, Leaving On a Jet Plane really is playing as I type this! hahaha!

Yes, I will be leaving for Manila (oo, Manila pa lang hahaha) this afternoon. I was surprised to find out that Dad bought a PAL ticket instead of Cebu Pacific. He's stingy--no, thrifty. hahaha! I can stand the stone-like Cebu Pacific seats for 2 hours. Kidding. Also, it's my first time to not take the first flight in the morning. Usually, whenever I leave for Manila, I'd be up at around 3 AM coz my flight would be at 5 am! So imagine how happy I was to find out that I'd be on an afternoon flight. I know..I know..shallow. :|

So anyway, I'll be staying with Aco for the next 5 days. No internet connection. I can feel myself getting weaker already. :(( But I think I'll be out most of the time so I won't have to suffer THAT much. Yes, I can't live without internet. No cable is fine. No internet is not. It's not a matter of WANT anymore, but a matter of NEED. NEED. NEED. No, I'm not exaggerating. Well, I have to get over the no-net-for-5-days dilemma. It's either I leave the comfort of my aunt's place to go to some internet place, or stay at home. I won't be home most of the time (at least I hope not), so I think I can handle it.

I feel that it's going to be a pretty busy 5-day trip for me. Busy but fun. Yay! Oh... Except for one thing...I have to get through that UST interview. Wish me luck! I have to go to college. Haha!

I'm not done packing yet (just the toiletries. Clothes and others are in the bag already!). Gotta go. *waves* See you again in 5 days. I know (hoping) that I have lots to post about. Hehe.


Patrick said...

there should be a lot, haha :)

Angelica Louise said...

Yes..but then I'm feeling lazy again.

Ann Michelle Siao said...

No cable is fine.No internet is not.So true!:))