El Primero Entrada

I have have a multiply account--I blog there. I used to have a blogger account (apart from this)--I used to blog there. I have a Friendster Blog--I used to blog there too. Out of all those three accounts, the only active and semi-updated blog is my Multiply one. I barely have time--ok, i'm just really too lazy--to blog about stuff there. I do it occasionally, but not as often as I want to. Blogging has always been one of my hobbies, so what's usually stopping me? Laziness. One damned thing I have to get rid of.

I'm going to college, and laziness is a definite no-no. It must be scrapped out. Nada.

So why make another account? I'm not even positively sure that I can keep this site alive for a long time--but I want to, and I am determined. In a few weeks, I'm heading off to college. Just like all the freshies, I'm going to have a fresh new start. New place. New people. New experiences. More stuff to share, talk and blog about. It's pretty exciting--the heading off to college thing. So...Fresh new Life. Fresh new Blog.

I will try my best to keep this blog updated. Mostly, about the new stuff (things, people, alalala)I have tried and encountered. Yeah, I know most people won't really care about what's happening in the world of Angelica. But as I've mentioned, Blogging is a hobby. As I type, my layout is plain white...with plain black (or gray-ish) font colors. But expect that as soon as my site will be filling up with posts, my layouts will be filling up with colors too. Progress. :)

And so dear reader, wish me luck. I'll try to keep the posts as interesting as possible, and will try to update as often as I can. Lord, please help me not be lazy and help me get Internet Access 24/7 in Manila. Amen.


Patrick said...

Well, you know. Some people do care, ehem..I love that photo by the way, the sunset thingy photo, it's great! Well, i'll be supporting you all the way, and your blogs too, so uhm good luck! I stole the photo by the way. Take care! :)

Angelica Louise said...

Thanks, Pat. Thanks for the support! haha! Nah. Go to jail. you stole something. :p

Patrick said...

well, in that case I should be in jail for a long time right? I already stole a lot, coz you only gave me 1.And that's no fair. [-(

Angelica Louise said...

okay. See you in a couple of years, Pat! Enjoy prison! hahaha! btw, life is always unfair. ;)

Patrick said...

What?! Couple of years? hm..Sounds fast, BUT would I really see you in couple of years? I hope so. I actually can't wait for that, and oh i'll be graduating by that time(i hope so) haha anyways, take care n mla :)

Anonymous said...

oh. good luck to this blog. btw, where are you going to study for college? :D

Angelica Louise said...

To Anonymous:

Hello. Thanks for wishing me luck. I'm sorry, but may I ask who's this? :)