One Person in Mind Survey

Think of one person which is your friend. Base your answers on that person. No changing!

1.) Is he/she your contact on multiply?
- YES.

2.) Why did you pick him/her as your person?
- He's usually the first person I text every day. Oh, and I make sure to chat/text with him every single day. I actually get worried whenever I don't hear from him. hahaha!

3.) Where and when did you first meet?
- I dunno when. School.

4.) What song reminds you of him/her?
- LOTS. oh my gosh, lots and lots of songs! But since I have to chose would be the merpeople song from Harry Potter! hahaha! If you want a more popular song...hmm..Insomnia by Craig David.

5.) Why?
- Merpeople Song--he has the lyrics inscribed on his brains. He loves the annoying song. Insomnia..because this was our dance song for the Grad Ball presentation, and he was our choreographer a.k.a. Germond-but-only-cheaper! :))

6.) Is he/she tall or short?
- Tall :( unlike me.

7.) Does he/she sing nice?
- Honestly, no. He does not have a good singing voice. hahaha! =)) But sure, if you want a good laugh..let him sing. hahaha I am mean. I'm sorry. :(

8.) Does he/she have a look-alike celebrity?
- Do Alvin and the Chipmunks count??? If so, YES!

9.) Have you seen him/her mad?
- Yes. Countless times.

12.) Smile?
- Yes. Countless times.

13.) Cry?

14.) What's his/her favorite food?
- He's tragon. He eats...A LOT. He likes sweets. Pastries, chocolates, stuff like that. Actually, he eats anything..except fish.

15.) Did he/she ever make you cry?
- Yes.
Here goes:
Me: (about college) Everything will change na noh?
Him: Yes. Don't worry. Change is normal. But I'll always be your BFF-AIF.
Me: (crying a river in front of the computer. Pathetic!)

16.) Did you ever make him/her cry?
- No. NOT YET. Wait for it.

18.) What's his/her favorite song?
- As of now? He has a new favorite song every hour!!! As of now, I guess it's...Get Ready - Danny Gokey. But I dunno, as I've said, it changes every hour. Or maybe half an hour...he's weird.

19.) What do you call him/her and what does he/she calll you?
- I call him Dude or BFF. He calls me AIF or Dude.

20.) Message for him/her:
- Hey dude. :) See. I answer fast. Anyway, see you in school. hahaha! Man pansin bo kumigo or else bakecha yo kombo. hahahaha Arnis pa man yo! I will habol you with those arnis sticks! Pensa mga hente...hysterical, hindi yalang. Man tampo yalang yo kunikaw forever. hahaha Maskin loka yo dude, I'm still happy that we're BFF-AIF. >:D< you know who I'm talking about? You'd get a prize if you answer!!! Buzz me for your prize. Seriously.


Anna Marie said...

i know who its anthony hahaha :))

Angelica Louise said...

Yes, it is Anthony :)

Ann said...

hey!Your talking about Anthony!!
When can I claim my prize?:)

Angelica Louise said...

@Ann: Buzz me for the prize.