Back from the Dead

Hi there, readers! It's Me. Yes, It's really me. I haven't been posting anything lately 'coz I barely have free time on my hands! I miss blogging very much. And I've only found time to update my site NOW. Well, it's not even a complete update! Just sharing why I haven't been posting anything for soooooooo long! But yes, as I've mentioned, I've been busy. Being a college student is über tiring and draining. I am sleep deprived most of the time.

Anyway, lots has happened during the time that I went missing. heehee. I will post some of those happenings maybe later. 'Coz I'm currently at the University library. Just relaxing. Actually, I'm so sleepy that I'm almost convinced I wanna go back to the apartment and just sleep. I barely had 5 hours of sleep! Who's to blame? or rather, what's to blame? Zoology Lab Practical Exam number 100000...!!!! Just kidding, it's only just about our 7th or 8th practical exam. And it today's exam was surprisingly easy. I believe I aced it. I NEED TO ACE EVERY QUIZ FROM NOW ON! Or else, I'm back to Zamboanga. FAILURE. But no, I won't let that happen. I fail on the little things, but not on the big stuff! :P

Speaking of Zamboanga, in less that 2 months I will be heading home! SEMBREAK, baby! I'm just waiting for the official and final schedules of the final exams and the enrollment dates and then I get to book my ticket home. Oh home. The word itself is sweet. :)

See, I may have been gone for a while, but I still have lots to say! hahaha! I'll be going now. I will definitely try my best to post again later today or this week. Ciao for now! xo


Anonymous said...

welcome back!

Angelica Louise said...

Thanks, Siao! :)