El Primero Entrada

I have have a multiply account--I blog there. I used to have a blogger account (apart from this)--I used to blog there. I have a Friendster Blog--I used to blog there too. Out of all those three accounts, the only active and semi-updated blog is my Multiply one. I barely have time--ok, i'm just really too lazy--to blog about stuff there. I do it occasionally, but not as often as I want to. Blogging has always been one of my hobbies, so what's usually stopping me? Laziness. One damned thing I have to get rid of.

I'm going to college, and laziness is a definite no-no. It must be scrapped out. Nada.

So why make another account? I'm not even positively sure that I can keep this site alive for a long time--but I want to, and I am determined. In a few weeks, I'm heading off to college. Just like all the freshies, I'm going to have a fresh new start. New place. New people. New experiences. More stuff to share, talk and blog about. It's pretty exciting--the heading off to college thing. So...Fresh new Life. Fresh new Blog.

I will try my best to keep this blog updated. Mostly, about the new stuff (things, people, alalala)I have tried and encountered. Yeah, I know most people won't really care about what's happening in the world of Angelica. But as I've mentioned, Blogging is a hobby. As I type, my layout is plain white...with plain black (or gray-ish) font colors. But expect that as soon as my site will be filling up with posts, my layouts will be filling up with colors too. Progress. :)

And so dear reader, wish me luck. I'll try to keep the posts as interesting as possible, and will try to update as often as I can. Lord, please help me not be lazy and help me get Internet Access 24/7 in Manila. Amen.